Syed Imran Zaidi and Fazila Zaidi
Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residencies in Tennessee

After graduating with a degree in Biological Sciences and Biochemistry from the University of Windsor in Canada, MUA “checked all the boxes” for Syed Imran when it came time to doing his medical school research. “I looked into tuition, saw the school had a very good match rate, and knew someone going to school”.
Imran adapted easily to the school and met his future wife in the first few days at MUA. He excelled in Basic Sciences and his clinical rotations.
Matching into a residency as a couple is a difficult feat, particularly when both are hopeful to achieve their first choice in residency. For both Imran and Fazila all went well, with Imran matching into Internal Medicine and Fazila into Pediatrics together in Tennessee.
As an Internal Medicine resident Imran was named “Resident of the Year” each of his first two years, and then “Chief Resident” his third year. During his residency, he presented his research a numerous national and international conferences. He also served on the Internal Medicine Quality Improvement and Program Evaluation Committees during his residency.
During his residency, Imran began to develop a deep interest in cardiology and decided to choose this area as a sub-specialty. He matched successfully at Mount Sinai in Miami and is currently a second year fellow interested in advanced echocardiography and pursuing a career in non-invasive cardiology. “Cardiology is very exciting and fast-paced. There are a ton of advances happening now in advanced cardiac imaging, and the future of cardiology is heading toward non-invasive procedures. MRI, CT and Echo imaging techniques are really the future.”